Webinar On-Demand

Unveiling New Reporting Features in DESelect Engage


Read the release notes for new reporting features in DESelect Engage here.

Introduction of Speakers:

Kyra: okay it’s 10am a sharp for me and Jonathan 5:00 pm for you um you ready to get started yes absolutely amazing um thanks everyone who’s joined already I’m sure people will continue to trickle in but we’ll get started here so thank you for attending this webinar from DESelect I know many of the people that are joining our Segment customers and we’re here to enveil very exciting feature for our other product Engage it is all about uh reporting so today  I’m introducing Jonathan van Driessen he is our CTO and co-founder of

the company and super involved in the product so any questions you have at any point in the webinar you can drop them in the Q&A section um and we’ll answer them at the end so just to introduce um DESelect and the product a bit like I said I know

DESelect Products:

Kyra: Many of you are familiar with Segment  um all of our products exist directly in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud ecosystem um they integrate seamlessly and once you have segmented your audience in segment you can take that data extension and leverage it in Engage to find the exact right time to communicate with your audience altogether we are a turn key marketing optimisation platform for Salesforce um and today you’ll get a little bit more information about Engage um we want you to kind of focus on this question within your organization as you’re viewing all these things about Engage are you sending contexts to many marketing campaigns or maybe not enough and if you cannot answer that question hopefully after what you see today um you’ll have a better idea how you can do that with Engage.

What is Engage?

Kyra: So just a super brief introduction of Engage it is intelligent frequency capping for Salesforce marketing Cloud we want you to be sending the exact right amount of communications not overwhelming oversaturating your customers but also not giving them um too little um you want to give them the best opportunity to convert and so within Engage um you are able to set custom rules that apply to custom campaign types and custom contact categories across any channels that you have within Engage um typically email push and SMS but we also support custom channels then um you’ll see in a minute when Jonathan opens up his calendar um you will have sends in there and the colors correlate to how saturated your audience is for that specific scend um we also integrate directly with Journey Builder and so you have the option of manually um adding this little component um into your journey or our previous demo webinar for Engage was um an import Journey feature where um our product takes care of it completely and you just have to import the existing journey to apply the saturation control so um Jonathan now is going to take over the screen share um right before he does that we do have a poll for you all um Jonathan if you wouldn’t mind launching the poll you’ll see it on your screen in just a second um how does your organization determine how often to send Communications um it’s totally okay if your answer is we don’t currently know we don’t frequency cap um maybe you use spreadsheets or other manual methods um there is a simpler version of what we do in Einstein send optimization which is a bit of a black box um and Engage luckily is not a black box whatsoever um everything is customizable um maybe you already use Engage or if you use something else again um try to drop it in the chat or leave us a Q&A we’ll give just a minute to answer this question and then Jonathan go ahead and take over.

Jonathan:  yes we’ll do I see in the meantime about 50% of attendees here have uh participated in the poll so I’m going to give it 20 more seconds so every can everyone can uh respond to the question so you should normally see a poll popping up in Zoom or you can just click

any of the answers all right it’s very tight at this point so it’s 50/50 between two answers which answer do you think people would vote on the most I would guess spreadsheets and manual methods would be the most popular that’s what I’ve seen um from people who are interested in Engage and they’re pretty tired of doing It manually yeah exactly uh all right cool we have uh over 80% of attendees uh replying so if I click and Paul it will show the results right I believe so yes yes cool yes so we see that um 33% of people said spreadsheets or other manual methods as you uh correctly estimated Kira we also have uh the same percentage of people that are using the Einstein suntime optimization uh we also have the select Engage customers here that use our products and there’s also attendees here that don’t do frequency capping yet okay great that’s uh that’s good for us to know indeed the spreadsheets or manual ways of doing this uh we see this a lot it’s um it’s typically the first like a first step in the maturity it’s um it’s a bit tricky um because one spreadsheets can be uh hard to work with especially if you if you have a lot of data U but also it kind of assumes that everybody has the same like all audiences for different campaigns are the same uh which is typically not the case and also makes it hard to do any prioritization of different campaigns but uh definitely a first good step better than doing nothing for sure um so all right cool great thanks to everyone who uh who replied which is almost everyone who participated here so that’s

Filtering by campaign and contact categories 

Jonathan: great now let’s uh let’s dive into uh the demo of our reporting capabilities that we just uh launched let me just uh select your right There okay all right so we are currently in DESelect Engage uh as you see so the first window here it is our calendar view where you

can see the your calendar so the difference can aligns that are being planned and you also see how we pre-calculate like before you actually run the campaign what percentage of saturation we expect so if a if a campaign’s in the green it means that less than 20% of the people are saturated or would be like excluded from uh the scent yellow is between 20 and 50 and red means more like the majority of the people would not be receiving the scent because we uh because it would be saturated saturated based on what you may ask based on the rules that you define there’s a lot of flexibility here to Define um yeah what rules you want to apply to certain campaign types to certain contact categories and so on and um what I really want to show you today is the dashboard that we have extended so we already had uh a sense view this is where you can see given a certain date range what are the different sends that I that I have

planned and what are the actual results of those sends so what you can see here on this one for example the sneakers promo so that was an offer that we sent we sent it out um the fifth of no let me see the fourth of uh of May in total we wanted to reach 251 contacts but because of the saturation rules we like the product the platform decided not to send it to 95 people so 156 people did receive it so we already provided this way of reporting of looking at the data so you can look into um one campaign specifically and you can see okay this campaign specifically has 62% of people receiving uh the sent you can also look into the same data basically from a contact point of view so you can say for this contact um how often are they being included or excluded and all of this will give you an Insight or an ID on like how well your rules are do doing uh if they need any fine tuning but we did get requests from current customers on how they could report like more globally how can like how can we look at all the sends that we have done in the last six months um and  see what percentage of people were being excluded so that’s why we built it.


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Reporting capabilities

Reporting capability so I’m just going to start here on the left so this is where we can set the date range so what date do we want to look at so let’s say that I’m just interested in the data uh from the last two weeks as you can see immediately we are seeing this graph here um um I’ll come to the pie chart in a second but in the table here we can see okay in total we sent uh we sent messages to 1,520 people of which 793 were included and 727 were excluded again this is excluded based on campaigns that were planned campaigns that were actually sent and the rules so if you have a rule for example that says we will not send more than one email per day to a contact UM and you plan two campaigns to be sent on the same day then for one of the two that contact will be excluded for the first one the contact would be included or not necessarily the first one the one with the highest priority because you can assign different priorities to different campaign types um which allows the platform to Define yeah which ones should we send and which ones should we not send given the rules how do we optimize everything best but so coming back to this if we don’t select any filters if we don’t select any grouping we’ll see a total um which is visualized also in this nice graph so in the graph here we do see that same 52% of people that we’re seeing uh here which is the people that were included for the other 47% we do see different uh slices of of red where each slice represents the main rule that ex that caused the exclusion so if I have a rule here uh for example three cents per day um like 10% of the people here did not receive a certain communication because we were hitting that rule because we were trying to send more than three emails per day to these people so as you can see by default I applied no filters I applied no grouping and I I’ll like I’ll report on the total but what we can also do is dive into

Filtering by channel and campaign type

Jonathan: specific uh channels campaign types or contact categories so let’s say I’m interested only in email that I can apply that filter here and you see that in that case my data looks a bit different um you can also select multiple channels as um as like together as one so that’s very useful and then we can do the same for campaign types so if I want to see like how well is my uh my campaign type offer doing uh when it comes to these rules again you can you can do a deep dive please know that you can create different rules for different campaign types so you can say for example um we can send three offers in a week but we’re never going to send more than one newsletter in a month and then last type of filter that we make available here is the contact categories so all your contacts can be put into different categories um contact can also have multiple contact categories as one uh at once depending really on on your use case on what makes sense but a typical example would be we have customers we had leave we have leads we have prospects and you may want to treat those people differently maybe say okay to Elite I’m not going to send more than two emails in a week but to an active customer we can send more we have a tighter relationship there they do expect more maybe so you can have different rules so again uh you can filter down uh like diving into just one specific lead for example or you can go

Grouping Filters

Jonathan: do a combination of these different filters like I want to see when it comes to leads uh and only the email Channel what does my data looklike okay uh so that’s for the filter and then the last thing that I want to show here is the grouping so as I said before if I’m not doing any grouping I will just see this total row but uh I Can also show the data grouped by a channel so in that case each line here is going to represent one channel so I have SMS postal Channel email push um I’ll also call it out we do have a deleted line here that’s because we had one channel which we later deleted but we did still we do still have those those historical records right we do still know that a sent happened on the channel so that’s how we we decided to deal with it but um as you can see super useful to slice and dice data in the way that you find useful so you can do that by both Channel campaign type by different types of campaigns and uh contact category right so again just to summarize we do have um the pie chart here the different slices represent the different rows or sorry the different rules that caused the exclusion so different rules that were hit like the three cents per day uh so that would be an indication if you say okay I’m happy that 10% of my my contacts are not receiving a communication because we have this rule of three cents per day perfect uh if you see that oh maybe 50% of my people are not receiving because I have a certain rule um you know that’s uh maybe a basis for you to to look at that rule again and reconsider um again you can filter on channels campaign types and contact categories we do always show a total as as well um but you can also Group by any of these Dimensions to slice and dice the data in the way that you see use find useful so again why would you want to do all of this um is to look at how your saturation control program is performing uh if any of the rules that you have need um need to be tweaked if any of the prioritizations that you have need to be tweaked um you can slice and Di data the way you want to you can look at the different date ranges that you find useful um uh and so again this is really to help you fine-tune your um strategy when it comes to frequency capping uh but also prioritization of different uh campaign xz individual sends and contexts

Kyra: questions um no questions in the chat yet um I did just want to explain here um that this feature um is basically um expanding the current um reporting features that we had where you can drill down into individual sends and contexts um this new View kind of gives you um that more general information that like Jonathan mentioned can influence your strategy a bit better um and give you that broader view that I think you need when you are determining um all of your campaign prioritizations um so if you don’t have any yeah go ahead well actually now that

Going deeper into the details: Tags and reasons for exclusions 

Jonathan: we’re not on the topic I I may as well just quickly show like um I did already show how you can look like on a on a campaign level we call it sense here uh like globally you can just see like the main numbers here which you can also go deeper like if I go to my sneakers promo I can see some details uh of that scent so I have a name I can have a description campaign type the channel as I said we can have different priorities we can also assign tags to it uh so a teag could be whatever Dimension whatever information you find useful so it could be like B2B b2c um or like a name of a campaign or  strategy or whatever is useful for you there also we see that result but here users can also go deeper into the details so also here we can see all the different rows like all the different contexts that were included in this campaign we can see if they were excluded or included uh again with those reasons for the exclusion you can also see at what time descent happened or the decision was made so this is this is normally when the contact goes through Journey Builder uh when it hits the Engage component Little Penguin where we make the decision yes this contact should receive this sent or no they should not at this point um so that’s why you can have all that information here um you can also hear search for specific contact so this really allows you to uh yeah to find the outcome for this campaign for one specific contact and if you want to go even deeper you can then click through to that contact and see okay for this specific contact which can have certain contact category uh which can uh here you can also see when was the last time that contact went through a journey you will also see that same kind of representation where which rules caused the Conta to be excluded from certain sends and then here you see all the the historical sense that happened for this contact UM and if available also any plan sense so this is really the 360 view I know it’s uh it’s like a really overused word that really just provides you the all the insights with all the sends that happened for contact all the plan sense that happened which for each of those sends whether the contact was included or excluded or would be included or excluded in the future all


Kyra: right all right well I um if we’re done in the product with the live demo um we’ll hop back over um do these slides give me one moment um and we have um time for Q&A now um if you have any questions like I’ve said uh please drop them in the Q&A um little chat window at the bottom um while everybody is maybe prep prepping their questions um we do have a free checklist for you um we have a full checklist put together in our resources section of the website that is the left QR code on whether or not a frequency capping solution could really benefit your your organization um there are a series of questions you can ask yourself and your team maybe to determine if this would be a good fit for you um if you’re viewing all this stuff and you already feel like it’s a great fit um you want to learn more the DESelect Engage landing page is that QR code on your right so feel free to scan either of those um you can always reach out through the website or you can contact us uh directly Jonathan or myself um and we’ll get you any information you need um so don’t ask your questions I have a question for you

Kyra: Jonathan um how long would you say a an Engaged setup takes if you have to configure all of those custom settings

Jonathan: so the setup in Engage is typically quickly done like you can do it in half an hour or so so what we see with our customers is that it’s it’s more the decisions that they have to

make as an organization beforehand that take a bit longer uh because typically you do want to align with uh different departments um it’s often also not very clear like who should actually decide how many messages you want to send to to people um but especially when it comes to the prioritization let’s say we have a slightly larger uh company with uh 10 marketers in the department each marketer is the responsible for a different product or a different type of

campaign then they have to agree upon a certain um priority between those different scents and that’s not always easy um without a frequency capping solution or a prioritization solution that in in reality that translates to a weekly meeting uh where it’s more like politics and who can shout the loudest that determines who can uh do their sense first which then typically means that uh they they reach like the biggest audience um but once you’re once you have had that conversation internally um it’s really objective uh the system handles it for you there’s no more like politics to it um and and you can get the optimal outcome for everyone involved both the marketers and the and the respondents in the end the contacts that you that you reach out

to I mean amazing um

Kyra: I think we have one other question in the queue but my Zoom UI has disappeared because I’m sharing my screen I know are you able to read the question oh yeah I can see um and

Jonathan: how complicated is the process uh so I assume the question is how complicated the process is for setting up Engage so there I would say yeah it’s really it’s quite straightforward so we do the installation that takes about 15 minutes um and then you have access to the view that I shared before so you see the calendar um yes there are a few things that you can set up so what do we need to know what are the different campaign types that you work with so as I showed campaign types could be up offers newsletters refer friend and soon another thing we want to know is do you have different categories of contacts what we call contact categories so there the only thing we we request is that you create one data extension that contains all your contacts where where we can where you assign each of them to one or multiple uh context categories so we know who are the leads who are the prospects if you want to apply different rules for those different uh people um and then with those uh and then also lastly just indicating which channels you want to use and then with those things set up you can start defining those rules and those rules can be very easy like no more than three emails per week or no more than uh one SMS per month or as a last example uh no more than three emails per week for a certain campaign type but uh we can allow five per month for another campaign type or for certain contact categories so once that is set up the system will just start processing every day is going to uh recalculate uh So based on the events that you put on your calendar is going to yeah see for each of the contexts what is in store what what sense happen for this contact what cents are being planned and it will continuously make the evaluations of include this contact from this campaign exclude this contact from that campaign um so it’s go it’s pretty smooth

Kyra: yeah and of course if you were setting that up you would have one of our customer success managers guiding you through that entire process so you wouldn’t be alone in the setup um and our team would make sure you get the best results possible exactly yeah okay if we don’t have any more questions um I do think this is a great stopping point um like I said before if anybody on the call wants to see Engage a bit deeper please do book a demo with us um and we will get you a more personalized demo and we can drill down into any feature you would like to see further good all right thank you so much Jonathan for your time um and we’ll catch everyone on the next one thank you

Jonathan: Again if anyone has any questions I’m available please reach out to me or using the the QR codes here happy to help great have a great day everyone bye bye Jonathan or myself um and we’ll get you any information you need.

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Reporting capabilities

Reporting capability so I’m just going to start here on the left so this is where we can set the date range so what date do we want to look at so let’s say that I’m just interested in the data uh from the last two weeks as you can see immediately we are seeing this graph here um um I’ll come to the pie chart in a second but in the table here we can see okay in total we sent uh we sent messages to 1,520 people of which 793 were included and 727 were excluded again this is excluded based on campaigns that were planned campaigns that were actually sent and the rules so if you have a rule for example that says we will not send more than one email per day to a contact UM and you plan two campaigns to be sent on the same day then for one of the two that contact will be excluded for the first one the contact would be included or not necessarily the first one the one with the highest priority because you can assign different priorities to different campaign types um which allows the platform to Define yeah which ones should we send and which ones should we not send given the rules how do we optimize everything best but so coming back to this if we don’t select any filters if we don’t select any grouping we’ll see a total um which is visualized also in this nice graph so in the graph here we do see that same 52% of people that we’re seeing uh here which is the people that were included for the other 47% we do see different uh slices of of red where each slice represents the main rule that ex that caused the exclusion so if I have a rule here uh for example three cents per day um like 10% of the people here did not receive a certain communication because we were hitting that rule because we were trying to send more than three emails per day to these people so as you can see by default I applied no filters I applied no grouping and I I’ll like I’ll report on the total but what we can also do is dive into

Filtering by channel and campaign type

Jonathan: specific uh channels campaign types or contact categories so let’s say I’m interested only in email that I can apply that filter here and you see that in that case my data looks a bit different um you can also select multiple channels as um as like together as one so that’s very useful and then we can do the same for campaign types so if I want to see like how well is my uh my campaign type offer doing uh when it comes to these rules again you can you can do a deep dive please know that you can create different rules for different campaign types so you can say for example um we can send three offers in a week but we’re never going to send more than one newsletter in a month and then last type of filter that we make available here is the contact categories so all your contacts can be put into different categories um contact can also have multiple contact categories as one uh at once depending really on on your use case on what makes sense but a typical example would be we have customers we had leave we have leads we have prospects and you may want to treat those people differently maybe say okay to Elite I’m not going to send more than two emails in a week but to an active customer we can send more we have a tighter relationship there they do expect more maybe so you can have different rules so again uh you can filter down uh like diving into just one specific lead for example or you can go

Grouping Filters

Jonathan: do a combination of these different filters like I want to see when it comes to leads uh and only the email Channel what does my data looklike okay uh so that’s for the filter and then the last thing that I want to show here is the grouping so as I said before if I’m not doing any grouping I will just see this total row but uh I Can also show the data grouped by a channel so in that case each line here is going to represent one channel so I have SMS postal Channel email push um I’ll also call it out we do have a deleted line here that’s because we had one channel which we later deleted but we did still we do still have those those historical records right we do still know that a sent happened on the channel so that’s how we we decided to deal with it but um as you can see super useful to slice and dice data in the way that you find useful so you can do that by both Channel campaign type by different types of campaigns and uh contact category right so again just to summarize we do have um the pie chart here the different slices represent the different rows or sorry the different rules that caused the exclusion so different rules that were hit like the three cents per day uh so that would be an indication if you say okay I’m happy that 10% of my my contacts are not receiving a communication because we have this rule of three cents per day perfect uh if you see that oh maybe 50% of my people are not receiving because I have a certain rule um you know that’s uh maybe a basis for you to to look at that rule again and reconsider um again you can filter on channels campaign types and contact categories we do always show a total as as well um but you can also Group by any of these Dimensions to slice and dice the data in the way that you see use find useful so again why would you want to do all of this um is to look at how your saturation control program is performing uh if any of the rules that you have need um need to be tweaked if any of the prioritizations that you have need to be tweaked um you can slice and Di data the way you want to you can look at the different date ranges that you find useful um uh and so again this is really to help you fine-tune your um strategy when it comes to frequency capping uh but also prioritization of different uh campaign xz individual sends and contexts

Kyra: questions um no questions in the chat yet um I did just want to explain here um that this feature um is basically um expanding the current um reporting features that we had where you can drill down into individual sends and contexts um this new View kind of gives you um that more general information that like Jonathan mentioned can influence your strategy a bit better um and give you that broader view that I think you need when you are determining um all of your campaign prioritizations um so if you don’t have any yeah go ahead well actually now that

Going deeper into the details: Tags and reasons for exclusions 

Jonathan: we’re not on the topic I I may as well just quickly show like um I did already show how you can look like on a on a campaign level we call it sense here uh like globally you can just see like the main numbers here which you can also go deeper like if I go to my sneakers promo I can see some details uh of that scent so I have a name I can have a description campaign type the channel as I said we can have different priorities we can also assign tags to it uh so a teag could be whatever Dimension whatever information you find useful so it could be like B2B b2c um or like a name of a campaign or  strategy or whatever is useful for you there also we see that result but here users can also go deeper into the details so also here we can see all the different rows like all the different contexts that were included in this campaign we can see if they were excluded or included uh again with those reasons for the exclusion you can also see at what time descent happened or the decision was made so this is this is normally when the contact goes through Journey Builder uh when it hits the Engage component Little Penguin where we make the decision yes this contact should receive this sent or no they should not at this point um so that’s why you can have all that information here um you can also hear search for specific contact so this really allows you to uh yeah to find the outcome for this campaign for one specific contact and if you want to go even deeper you can then click through to that contact and see okay for this specific contact which can have certain contact category uh which can uh here you can also see when was the last time that contact went through a journey you will also see that same kind of representation where which rules caused the Conta to be excluded from certain sends and then here you see all the the historical sense that happened for this contact UM and if available also any plan sense so this is really the 360 view I know it’s uh it’s like a really overused word that really just provides you the all the insights with all the sends that happened for contact all the plan sense that happened which for each of those sends whether the contact was included or excluded or would be included or excluded in the future all


Kyra: right all right well I um if we’re done in the product with the live demo um we’ll hop back over um do these slides give me one moment um and we have um time for Q&A now um if you have any questions like I’ve said uh please drop them in the Q&A um little chat window at the bottom um while everybody is maybe prep prepping their questions um we do have a free checklist for you um we have a full checklist put together in our resources section of the website that is the left QR code on whether or not a frequency capping solution could really benefit your your organization um there are a series of questions you can ask yourself and your team maybe to determine if this would be a good fit for you um if you’re viewing all this stuff and you already feel like it’s a great fit um you want to learn more the DESelect Engage landing page is that QR code on your right so feel free to scan either of those um you can always reach out through the website or you can contact us uh directly Jonathan or myself um and we’ll get you any information you need um so don’t ask your questions I have a question for you

Kyra: Jonathan um how long would you say a an Engaged setup takes if you have to configure all of those custom settings

Jonathan: so the setup in Engage is typically quickly done like you can do it in half an hour or so so what we see with our customers is that it’s it’s more the decisions that they have to

make as an organization beforehand that take a bit longer uh because typically you do want to align with uh different departments um it’s often also not very clear like who should actually decide how many messages you want to send to to people um but especially when it comes to the prioritization let’s say we have a slightly larger uh company with uh 10 marketers in the department each marketer is the responsible for a different product or a different type of

campaign then they have to agree upon a certain um priority between those different scents and that’s not always easy um without a frequency capping solution or a prioritization solution that in in reality that translates to a weekly meeting uh where it’s more like politics and who can shout the loudest that determines who can uh do their sense first which then typically means that uh they they reach like the biggest audience um but once you’re once you have had that conversation internally um it’s really objective uh the system handles it for you there’s no more like politics to it um and and you can get the optimal outcome for everyone involved both the marketers and the and the respondents in the end the contacts that you that you reach out

to I mean amazing um

Kyra: I think we have one other question in the queue but my Zoom UI has disappeared because I’m sharing my screen I know are you able to read the question oh yeah I can see um and

Jonathan: how complicated is the process uh so I assume the question is how complicated the process is for setting up Engage so there I would say yeah it’s really it’s quite straightforward so we do the installation that takes about 15 minutes um and then you have access to the view that I shared before so you see the calendar um yes there are a few things that you can set up so what do we need to know what are the different campaign types that you work with so as I showed campaign types could be up offers newsletters refer friend and soon another thing we want to know is do you have different categories of contacts what we call contact categories so there the only thing we we request is that you create one data extension that contains all your contacts where where we can where you assign each of them to one or multiple uh context categories so we know who are the leads who are the prospects if you want to apply different rules for those different uh people um and then with those uh and then also lastly just indicating which channels you want to use and then with those things set up you can start defining those rules and those rules can be very easy like no more than three emails per week or no more than uh one SMS per month or as a last example uh no more than three emails per week for a certain campaign type but uh we can allow five per month for another campaign type or for certain contact categories so once that is set up the system will just start processing every day is going to uh recalculate uh So based on the events that you put on your calendar is going to yeah see for each of the contexts what is in store what what sense happen for this contact what cents are being planned and it will continuously make the evaluations of include this contact from this campaign exclude this contact from that campaign um so it’s go it’s pretty smooth

Kyra: yeah and of course if you were setting that up you would have one of our customer success managers guiding you through that entire process so you wouldn’t be alone in the setup um and our team would make sure you get the best results possible exactly yeah okay if we don’t have any more questions um I do think this is a great stopping point um like I said before if anybody on the call wants to see Engage a bit deeper please do book a demo with us um and we will get you a more personalized demo and we can drill down into any feature you would like to see further good all right thank you so much Jonathan for your time um and we’ll catch everyone on the next one thank you

Jonathan: Again if anyone has any questions I’m available please reach out to me or using the the QR codes here happy to help great have a great day everyone bye bye Jonathan or myself um and we’ll get you any information you need.

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Unveiling New Reporting Features in DESelect Engage

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