American Ceramic Society Customer Success Story

Created more personalized email campaigns by enabling their marketing team to use data more effectively
Reduced unsubscribes and bounces significantly with advanced segmentation
Increased productivity and achieved significant time savings for multiple departments
Flow used on DESelect website pages
Flow used on DESelect website pages
SEO Winners
Flow used on DESelect website pages
Kameron Haines, Marketing Manager American Ceramics Society
“In terms of recommending DESelect, on a scale of 1 to 10, it’s a 10!”

Kameron Haines

The connection between us is just amazing. I can really say that we are one team. They are very vocal on what they want to achieve and that made my role as their CSM so flawless.”

Zandra Marquez

Zandra Marquez is a Customer Success Manager at DESelect

The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) is the hub of the global ceramics community, trusted and respected for its ceramic materials & applications knowledge. They aim to advance the study, understanding, and use of ceramics to benefit their members and society. 

With more than 10,000 members from over 70 countries, membership data & communication is crucial to the organization. And so they’ve turned to DESelect to help them. We first spoke to the society’s IT Director, who was keen to introduce us to the marketing team.

During a recent interview, we spoke to Kameron Haines, Marketing Manager, responsible for membership marketing and group liaison between Salesforce Marketing Cloud and DESelect. 

“DESelect is great,” explained Kameron, “because it allows us to utilize (and market to) comprehensive and filtered databases without the need to memorize or learn SQL. It’s been a great tool for that very reason!” As is so often the case with DESelect clients, Kameron explained that he had minimal SQL knowledge in technical terms. 

Kameron went on to describe how before discovering DESelect, the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) had just recently begun using Marketing Cloud. “I had no idea how we would implement Salesforce data other than utilizing our IT Director for SQL and slowly learning the process,” he said.

With no personnel able to effectively use SQL, ACerS had a problem to solve, as Kameron explained: “DESelect helped with the issue of not having a dedicated person on staff who was fluent in SQL. The tool allowed us to adapt quickly and hit the ground running.”

We take pride in delivering outstanding service through our onboarding process and are always keen for feedback in this regard. Speaking of ACerS’ user adoption experience, Kameron said, “We took advantage of the extra support offered to address various questions. The team answered our questions fast, which allowed us to quickly implement and begin using the tool to its fullest extent.”

And the result and impact DESelect has had since adoption? We’re delighted to report that Kameron said, “It has given us more extensive use of our database, allowing us to further segment, ensuring that we provide our customers the best possible emails personalized to them. Using [DESelect] Segment has given us better segmentation and enhanced the Marketing Cloud software.”

While he could not report on cost-saving specifics as it’s out of his scope of work, Kameron also confirmed that Segment had provided efficiency gains. He added, “Yes, we have all saved time. The great thing about DESelect is that you can have a segment automatically update daily to remove or add anyone in that segment. I believe that in creating more quality segments, we have cut down on unsubscribes and bounces in particular.”

We asked Kameron whether there was anything about DESelect that had exceeded his expectations. He explained that our after-sales service stands out besides the obvious product benefits. He explained that our team regularly checks in with ACerS, encouraging quarterly meetings and up-to-date information to ensure that ACerS gets the most out of the product. 

And what pleasantly surprised him? “How well it truly works within the system. I thought there would be some kinks to work through, as there are with anything, but they have been limited in this instance, making this a great overall experience. To sum up his DESelect experience in one word, Kameron responded, “Adaptable. Because this is a simple tool that anyone can adapt and use!”

Delivering value is essential to us, so understanding how customers feel about their overall experience is vital. In closing, Kameron added, “Working with DESelect is a pleasure. We always get a quick response, and you can tell the company truly cares about making customers happy rather than just launching a product and leaving us to deal with it alone. 

In terms of recommending DESelect, on a scale of 1 to 10, it’s a 10. Anyone should consider DESelect for SFMC segmentation. It cuts down on wasted time and increases productivity. And you should stick with them for the excellent customer service too. You won’t regret it!”

Humbling words from Kameron, to whom we are grateful for taking the time to share the American Ceramics Society’s DESelect experience with us. 

Click here to learn how DESelect Segment can help your organization.

Alternatively, since ACerS chose us after a demo, perhaps you’d like to schedule one today?



Background on your organization: who do you help, for how long, and what’s unique?

I handle all of our membership and product teams’ marketing. In doing so, I am the Marketing Cloud and DESelect liaison for our group.

Background on you: what’s your SQL knowledge? What’s your technical experience?

DESelect is excellent because it enables marketing with comprehensive and filtered databases without memorizing or learning SQL. It has been a great tool for that very reason because I have limited SQL knowledge.


What was it like before the partnership with DESelect?

Before DESelect, we had just started using Marketing Cloud. I had no idea how we would implement Salesforce data other than utilizing our IT Director for SQL while slowly learning in parallel. 

What problem(s) were you trying to solve with DESelect?

DESelect helped with the issue of not having a dedicated person on staff who was fluent in SQL. The tool allowed us to adapt quickly and be able to hit the ground running. 

How long did it take to activate and roll out DESelect (Segment)?

It was pretty quick after the initial training from Zandra [DESelect], which was very thorough and helpful.

How was the onboarding process? Did you use the extra support offered during Hypercare? 

We used extra support for various questions that arose during the onboarding process. The team answered our questions immediately, which allowed us to quickly implement and begin using the tool to its fullest extent. 

How has your organization been impacted since using DESelect?

It has given us a more extensive use of our database and allowed us to further segment. We are now providing our customers with the best possible emails pertaining to them. 

What have you achieved since using Segment and the DESelect partnership?

We’ve achieved better segmentation and an overall enhancement of the Marketing Cloud software. 

Has DESelect (Segment) provided efficiency gains in the overall segmentation process?

Yes, we have all saved time because the great thing about DESelect is that you can have a segment automatically update daily to remove or add anyone in that segment. 

Does DESelect (Segment) enable marketers to create higher quality campaigns (avoiding attrition, subscriber fatigue, unsubscribes, and bounces)? 

In creating more quality segments, we have cut down on unsubscribes and bounces. 

What has exceeded your expectations or has been an unexpected benefit since working with us?

I was pleasantly surprised by the aftersales customer service. Zandra and her team regularly check on us, ensure we have quarterly meetings and have the most up-to-date information to get the most out of the product. 

What about DESelect surprised you the most?

The big thing is how well it truly works within the system, I thought there would be some kinks to work through, but they have been limited, making this a great overall experience. 

If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience with us, what would it be and why? 

Adaptable because this is a simple tool anyone can adapt and use!


Describe working with us. In what area did you get the most value? Why do you think that is?

Working with DESelect is a pleasure. We get quick responses, and you can tell the company truly cares about making customers happy rather than just launching a product and leaving us to deal with it alone. 

How likely are you to recommend us? 

In terms of recommending DESelect, on a scale of 1 to 10, it’s a 10. Anyone should consider DESelect for SFMC segmentation. It cuts down on wasted time and increases productivity. And you should stick with them for the excellent customer service too.

What would you tell someone who’s considering DESelect?

Do it! You won’t regret it.

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