Introduction to Salesforce Marketing Cloud Contact Builder

Introduction to Salesforce Marketing Cloud Contact Builder

What is Contact Builder in Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and for what purpose does it serve? Contact Builder is a Marketing Cloud app that you use to manage contacts and related data. You use Contacts to store demographic and behavioral information about individuals. The primary purpose of Contact Builder is to organize your contact data into a single customer view.

Why would you use Contact Builder?

  • Leverage information from any Marketing Cloud app for any contact as mentioned in this Trailhead;
  • Design, map, and link data about your customers;
  • Add synchronized data sources from Salesforce CRM to Salesforce Marketing Cloud using Marketing Cloud Connect (if applicable).

With this single view of your customer, you take an essential step towards creating personalized and targeted campaigns. In other words, you can deliver a better customer experience.


Who defines access to Contact Builder?

You can assign several roles to users that grant them access to Contact Builder. These roles vary from having access to the app to permissions for more specific functions within Contact Builder. Typically, Marketing Cloud admins assign these roles. 

It is best practice to create a custom role for marketers (or other groups of users) who need access to Contact Builder, so you assign them relevant permissions.


Why should you give someone access to Contact Builder? 

Various instances require Salesforce Marketing Cloud users to access contact data in Contact Builder. For example, for a marketing agency you hired to create templates in Content Builder, you would probably like to restrict access to Contact Builder features like contact deletion.

On the other hand, you would like to provide admins with permissions for Marketing Cloud Connect and data deletion in Contact Builder. 

How can you provide access to Contact Builder?

To administer access to Contact Builder, you will need administrative permissions to navigate Setup. Within Salesforce Marketing Cloud, click on your name (top right), and then click ‘Setup.’ Under ‘Users,’ you can assign roles to define access to Contact Builder. As recommended earlier, you can also create customer roles. To do so, click on ‘Roles,’ then on ‘Create’ to define a new custom role.



So that’s a whistlestop introduction to Salesforce Contact Builder. In our following few articles, we’ll take a deep into the functionality and features of this great SFMC tool. 

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