How to integrate nearly any data source into SFMC without code

How to integrate nearly any data source into SFMC without code

At DESelect, we know a thing or two about Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC). With DESelect Segment, marketers can easily segment with drag-and-drop directly in SFMC, where code (SQL) used to be the default. 

Whether accelerating digitization in hospitality amidst Covid-19, making entire telecom teams data experts, or increasing the events and marketing sector by 50%, we are the benchmark to marketing data enablement for Salesforce AppExchange.

System integrators have taken notice. Leading consulting firms and prominent marketing agencies now recommend us.

Yet, one theme keeps resurfacing: “We love your segmentation solution, but we just don’t have the data integrated into SFMC yet.” 

These customers struggled with integrating data sources into SFMC, which often required custom development. That, or heavy investment in extensive integration projects.

Sound familiar? 

We saw our customers were struggling, so we sought to deliver a solution. One that allows you to integrate data sources into SFMC without code!

1. For martech POs and marketing automation managers who understand marketing enablement

Our solution is for martech product owners (POs), marketing automation managers, and the like, including data or technical marketers, consultants, or architects. 

Indirectly, this is also for data engineers, since enabling your marketing colleagues to integrate data sources on their own also frees up time for your own resources.

This is for those who understand why marketers must get the most out of their data without continually being dependent on technical expertise. This drive for marketing operations efficiency will increase the speed of go-to-market (GTM).

As you read further, you will obtain a rudimentary understanding of data flows, data models, and how to design and configure them. You once relied on code for data source integration into SFMC. With our no-code segmentation solution, this is no longer a reality.

2. How we enabled no-code integration for SFMC

We have been in the Salesforce ecosystem for years. The DESelect founders met in 2013 while working at a Big 4 on a CRM project. We spent our careers obtaining “multi-cloud” expertise, working for international companies across various industries.

I, Anthony, CEO & Co-Founder at DESelect, was once the Lead Marketing Automation at a major automotive company. There I helped the company roll out SFMC to 30 countries in less than 12 months. 

From there, we focused on the issue of segmentation and reducing the need for SQL. After that, we experienced a rapid succession of wins. DESelect Segment became an official Salesforce partner, getting all 5-star reviews on AppExchange and G2.

Furthermore, we bootstrapped to the $1M ARR (annual recurring revenue) milestone in less than two years. In October 2021, we became Venture Capital-backed and announced a $5.5 million round led by the New York-based VC fund Adjacent. 

Around that time, DESelect turned a Deloitte rising star finalist. Amidst all that, we stayed focused on building a culture of trust to align with our principles while maintaining a high level of data privacy and security, including ISO compliance.

3. How DESelect lets you get the most out of your SFMC data

We didn’t stop with segmentation. We discovered several noteworthy trends, too. We present some of these key trends below:

3.1. Trend #1: From newsletters to data-driven campaigns

In the past, email marketing was easier. A simple welcome letter and regular newsletter would have sufficed. These were relatively easy from a data perspective. 

All you needed was a list of customers (or “data extension” in SFMC terms), provided by some form of CRM or a subscribe button on the website. That was it.

Not anymore.

These approaches jeopardized open rates, unsubscribes, and other not-so-successful metrics. Not to mention it left the opportunity for relevant messaging untapped.

Today, marketers know how to segment commercial, behavioral, and transactional data to increase ROI with more targeted campaigns. 

3.1.1. Customers value experiences (and personalization is the key)

Many businesses underestimate how much impact customer experience has on purchasing behavior. Salesforce research found out that 84% of customers believe customer experience is as crucial as the company’s products and services

Never before have customer experiences had such a large impact. But, to do it right, you’ll need good marketing creativity and data to serve your content in a timely, targeted, and personalized way.

What are good ways to personalize?

Go beyond “Dear John.” You’ll want the address and delivery info for an ecommerce business or dealer information for an automotive company.

But that’s not all the demographic information you’ll need. Behavioral data tells the most. For example, a software vendor dropped the “Dear John” and relied solely on personalized content based on website visitor behavior. 

Based on clicks and form submits, users would enter journeys peppered with already high-scoring content.

How do I get started developing better customer experiences?

We suggest the following:

  1. Set up Customer Experience or RevOps departments to map and optimize the complete customer journey.
  2. Map out the customer journey and its subparts. Use this map as a starting point for optimization projects.
  3. Don’t confuse the “customer journey” (or lifecycle) with “a journey” in SFMC. The latter will be a part of the former.

3.1.2. Marketing tools and databases have multiplied

The martech space has exploded, creating more data-driven campaigns. Most readers are familiar with this image depicting the martech expansion:

The martech landscape. Between 2011 and 2020, it exploded 50x in size.

The number of data management tools that a marketer uses today has grown, as has the number of databases. To an extent, this explains the success of DESelect Segment. Yet, this doesn’t mean the data is integrated and readily available in SFMC.

Marketers must have this data readily available in SFMC. It is so vital that Gartner wrote in its Market Guide for Email Marketing (June 2021): “Assess your ability to deliver more targeted, personalized messaging. Then investigate how additional customer data management capabilities (…) could drive additional value.”

What if I’m only sending newsletters (or basic journeys)?

For starters, don’t underestimate the power of an optimized newsletter. Cleaner layouts, better copy, or a more pointed call to action (CTA) is effective. 

That said, look beyond simple newsletters (or basic journeys) to drive the marketing maturity of your organization.

What other kinds of campaigns can I launch?

Here are just a few ideas: 

  • Cross-sell campaigns
  • Upsell campaigns
  • Product or service launches or updates
  • Birthday journeys
  • Seasonal campaigns
  • Retention and churn avoidance campaigns
  • Referral campaigns
  • Win-back campaigns
  • Demographic-driven campaigns
  • Behavior-driven campaigns (e.g., RFM in retail)

What if I don’t have that many data sources?

Even still, you want to integrate them for marketers when possible. Not to mention, data sources will increase over time.

What if I have plenty of data sources available in SFMC and am still figuring out how to optimize them?

SFMC’s flexible data model does come at a price. Managing data still relies on SQL and takes time to figure out. Sound familiar? Check out DESelect Segment.

3.2. Trend #2: From custom development to no-code integration for SFMC

SFMC’s reputation for being somewhat technical still stands. The integration work still requires developers. Integrating requires knowledge of authentication, REST API, SOAP API, and sometimes SFMC’s proprietary scripting code, AMPScript, used in CloudPages.

This difficult route requires developers who understand complex code stacks. That means marketers are dependent on technical resources. The dependency is synonymous with initial development costs, maintenance, support, and hosting.

Fortunately, with DESelect, you can integrate without code. The result is: 

  • Marketing enablement instead of dependency
  • No development cost
  • Minimal maintenance

Companies can deploy a no-code solution and go to market faster, which provides a critical advantage in a competitive landscape. 

What drives this trend?

3.2.1. There is a shortage of technical resources

If you have struggled to attract or retain developer talent, you’re not alone. There’s a global shortage of IT professionals and even more for data analytics, and companies are forced to look for other solutions.

Source: McKinsey, “Beyond hiring: How companies are reskilling to address talent gaps.”

Source: McKinsey, “Beyond hiring: How companies are reskilling to address talent gaps.”

What if I do have access to technical resources?

Chances are they are very busy. Think about what you could use them for if you could free up their time!

In an interesting and somewhat entertaining twist of events, we had a case with a customer that demonstrated just how valued technical resources are these days. Context: When analyzing if DESelect is suited for a customer, we always build a business case together with them. 

Usually, we estimate the dollar value of efficiency gains. But in the case with this customer, the decision-maker challenged his own team to rather think about what other interesting projects they could work on, thanks to the time we would free up for them!

What if developers already integrated my data into SFMC?

Integration requirements will change over time. Companies remain dependent on technical resources in the following ways:

  • Change of data source, like a switch from one lead capture tool to another 
  • Additional fields to sync 
  • Changing the data extension in which you want to store the data 
  • Changing the specific fields that store data 

This is a prime example of why no-code solutions remain in high demand.

3.2.2. Low-code/no-code solutions are the #1 software must have

The tech talent shortage has providers investing in more no-code tech. Even Salesforce invested in its CRM to offer more point-and-click capabilities.

Source: Deloitte survey of digital skills amongst marketers adopting martech solutions - WARC

Source: Deloitte survey of digital skills amongst marketers adopting martech solutions – WARC

Even Forbes lists low-code/no-code platforms as the #1 software trend!

What data sources should I consider integrating into SFMC? 

Looking at the data sources you use today is a good start. 

Some of the most common use cases we encounter are WYSIWYG CMSs (content management systems), DWHs (data warehouses), or campaign optimization tools like Optimizely.

Are there no-code solutions specifically for Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Yes! We will explore this subject in the next section.

3.2.3. Installed packages offer no-code solutions for SFMC

“Installed packages” are a well-known concept amongst Salesforce CRM admins and consultants. They are pre-packaged code you can deploy in your Salesforce org for additional functionality. Apps on Salesforce AppExchange are packages. 

Furthermore, these packages can be created for SMFC, offering no-code solutions.

The AppExchange “Marketing” category in October 2021. Notice only the 8 apps in the middle are for SFMC, and two of those are even from Salesforce itself. More can be found while browsing.

Can I create my own installed package?

Yes, but you’ll need developers.   

There are fewer SFMC apps compared to other domains on AppExchange. The reason is that, compared to building on Salesforce CRM, building on SFMC is more challenging. 

You must run your own infrastructure, you’ll only be able to leverage a bare minimum of the SFMC UI, and you’ll still need to master the API. 

How do I deploy an app from AppExchange?

Depending on the vendor or even the solution itself, you will need to do some admin inside your SFMC account, have the vendor do this for you, or can use a “one-click installation link” if available.

What apps (aside from DESelect) do you recommend?

Check out SalesWings (sales lead scoring), Optilyz (direct mail automation), and AudiencePoint (send time optimization).

3.2.4. Marketers “get” data

Marketers today demonstrate an increased technical understanding. That drives the trend towards no-code integration. 

You don’t have to be a data engineer to “get it” regarding concepts like data flows or data models. We know work-smart marketers today are data-savvy. As a major telco put it: “DESelect turned our whole team into data experts.”

The Marketing Hype Cycle, positioning more and more data-related topics within reach in the coming few years.

The Marketing Hype Cycle, positioning more and more data-related topics within reach in the coming few years.

Where can I learn about data models and flows?

We walk you through the integration, training, guides, and our support portal. To learn more, check out the data modeling explained in 10 minutes or less. It may seem challenging in the beginning. It’ll feel natural soon enough.

As a marketer, just how technical should I be?

Marketers today should be “T-shaped” with deep expertise in one domain (like email marketing) but knowing a little bit about everything.

Model of the T-Shaped Marketer between broad knowledge and depth of knowledge

Put differently, marketers don’t have to become as technical as a developer. Yet, they should become somewhat more technical than today. This is where tech (in the form of no-code solutions) lowers the threshold and training improves the marketers’ skills, so work-smart marketers reach an optimal level of technical understanding.

How-Technical-Should-Marketers-Be---Connect-Sales-Letter (2)

How technology can enable marketers to utilize data effectively without relying on tech resources.

What if I have others around who “get it”?

Of course, it is alright to continue to have data experts and engineers around – we do too.  

However, the benefits of enabling marketers by giving them more control over their data surpass constantly relying on technical resources.

Besides, as pointed out earlier, freeing up your technical resources allows you to allocate to other much-needed projects.

3.2.5. Shed light on the integration “black box” through monitoring

No-code solutions integration offers increased transparency. Data integration is often perceived as a black box of information. These days though, most integration solutions come with user-friendly monitoring, including logs and error notifications.

Creating fields on a data extension.  Many errors related to data integration with SFMC have to do with using the wrong data types.

Creating fields on a data extension.
Many errors related to data integration with SFMC have to do with using the wrong data types.

What should I monitor?

Monitoring tools for integration should offer you logs of which records were synced and when. 

Ideally, you are notified automatically (for instance through email) when something has occurred.

What if my monitoring indicates an error?

Improvise, adapt, overcome! Start with investigating. Often, carefully reading an error notification points you in the right direction.

3.3. Trend #3: From limited native connectors to more control and supported uses cases

Companies using SFMC are likely to have Service Cloud or any of the other Salesforce cloud offerings. That means these companies might depend on native connectors built into SFMC.  

Marketing Cloud Connect is a well-known native connector that allows admins to integrate Service and Sales Cloud. Yet, they have limitations.

Data doesn’t sync in real time. It takes about 10 minutes. Also, only “send data” can be sent back to SFMC. 

With non-native connectors, these limitations don’t exist. Why are these limitations such an issue?

3.3.1. Marketers need to integrate non-Salesforce data sources too

If you want to integrate Shopify, a non-Salesforce CRM, or a proprietary database, you’ll need either a programmer or software to manage these tasks. 

Are there non-Salesforce tools I should definitely integrate into SFMC?

We observe that most marketing teams are well-served by having a drag-and-drop landing page builder, or some other form of CMS (Content Management System). Basically the no-code content enabling solutions out there (whereas DESelect is data enabling). Integrating these to SFMC, so you can trigger autoresponders, journeys, etc. can be a must.

Other than Marketing Cloud Connect, are there other native connectors?

Yes, there are native connectors out there for Salesforce products like Datorama, Salesforce CDP, and Social Studio, to name a few. Each will have various purposes. Therefore, the native connector varies accordingly. 

What if I don’t have other Salesforce products?

Since there are no SFMC-native connectors that connect with non-Salesforce products, having a no-code integration solution will be all the more useful.

3.3.2. Some use cases require real-time integration

An example of this would be an autoresponder to a form submission. If this form submission is a lead for Salesforce Sales Cloud, the problem is that Marketing Cloud Connect will only sync this information to SFMC about 10 minutes later. For those wanting instant results, this causes a poor customer experience.

Should I always use real-time integration?

No. You won’t always need the data to be in SFMC immediately. However, you might miss people from your segment or include the wrong ones without some real-time integration.

When is realtime “realtime”?

“Nothing is ever really real-time” – is something a developer might say. There is something to say for this, with physics and all, but we pragmatically consider anything under a few seconds to be real-time. Best is less than 1000ms, since we should consider in both the sending and receiving system there may still be some internal processes that take some seconds, and it adds up.

Can’t I use triggered sends or journey API entry events to get real-time behavior?

Yes. However, this requires programming, making the marketer dependent on tech resources.

3.3.3. SFMC as a go-between for SF CDP

There exist distinct architectures where native connectors fall short. If customers want to integrate their data warehouse (DWH) to Salesforce CDP, its connector might not permit it. Designing an architecture-specific to their situation that allows SFMC to act as the go-between the DWH and CDP would be necessary.

DESelect-Connect-Sales-Letter (2)

Where can I learn more about architecture?

You can learn more about this topic in our eBook: Your Data and Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

For more information about this and what architecture we recommend, book a demo with us and we will be happy to review your specific needs.

What architecture do you recommend? 

This will depend greatly on your industry, marketing activities, IT landscape, marketing maturity, and more. 

If you would like our advice, just book a demo with us and we will be happy to review your specific needs.

3.4. Trend #4: From IT-managed middleware to marketing-owned connectors

Many integration solutions, referred to as “middleware,” are performant and can handle massive volumes. Examples include:

  • Dell Boomi
  • Jitterbit
  • MuleSoft (acquired by Salesforce)

The problem is that these are IT-owned, which created marketing dependency on tech resources. The result has been a gradual shift from IT-owned databases to enhanced marketing automation.

A high-level overview of a typical enterprise tech stack.  Note how marketing automation tech is more agile and more likely to be owned by the business.

A high-level overview of a typical enterprise tech stack.
Note how marketing automation tech is more agile and more likely to be owned by the business.

When Marketing is enabled to take ownership of its own systems, business results improve and go-to-market speed increases, something we also witnessed with DESelect Segment:

Campaign Cycles- How companies miss revenue

Illustration of increased campaign velocity thanks to drag-and-drop segmentation, rather than SQL code.

Take note of the segmentation example above. We have learned through customer interaction that the same is occurring with integration.

A plug-and-play integration solution can solve the problem of integrating with SFMC, but an integration always has at least two sides. What about – integrating on the other side – say, with a third-party solution? 

This is where webhooks come in.

3.4.1. Webhooks can integrate nearly anything

Webhooks allow you to send data from one system to the next during an “event.” For example, when leads fill out forms, that event triggers data collection and sends it to the database.

Webhooks look like URLs you can copy/paste when needed.

An example of a webhook from ShipStation. Notice how it looks just like a regular URL.

An example of a webhook from ShipStation. Notice how it looks just like a regular URL.

Where can I learn more about webhooks?

We like this article from Chargebee.

What kind of applications support webhooks?

So many!

You will find webhooks in CMS (like Magenta and WordPress), eCommerce (like Shopify), and many others.

A quick way to investigate is simply to Google “<app name> webhooks” and start from there.

When should I rely on middleware instead of webhooks?

Relying on IT to set up middleware is probably the best way to go when integration of large backend systems is necessary.

Are there alternatives to integrating at all?

You could always still perform manual data imports and exports. However, this is typically not efficient or scalable.

3.4.2. Monitoring data flows has become easy

To monitor data flows, you need two ingredients: intuitive error notifications and detailed data logs. Those working with SFMC are unfortunately no strangers to limited error notifications. 

The dreaded 500 error on a CloudPage.

Similar things occur in the automation studio when writing SQL queries and when automations fail. These limited error notifications make it hard to monitor how data flows between SFMC and other systems.

Regular data logs have limited functionality, too, like when a record is inserted into a data extension. Tracking individual records becomes more difficult, especially when using the out-of-the-box tools SFMC offers.

Fortunately, no-code solutions come with error notifications intuitive enough for non-technical resources. That makes monitoring data flows much easier and with minimum interruptions to campaign activities. 

What information should an error notification contain?

  • A reference to the process in which the error occurred
  • A description of what went wrong
  • A reference to relevant documentation, or even an instruction for how to fix the error

What information should a data log contain?

  • A reference to the process that caused the data to change  
  • The user who initiated the process  
  • How the data was changed (insert, update, upsert, etc.)
  • What data was changed (also referred to as the “payload”)

3.5. Trend #5: From manually integrating data sources to marketing automation

Sometimes marketers request a data file for a campaign, upload the file, and then send an email to the resulting list. This has become uncommon yet still exists. Manual processes like these are slow and often induce error.

The FileZilla interface when connecting the FTP to SFMC to do data imports and exports

Fortunately, manual imports and exports have declined. With companies spending efforts on automated integration, efficiency and security continuously increase.

3.5.1. The required volume and frequency of data synchronization is typically too high to do manually

There was a time when manual data extracts on every email campaign were possible. But going from monthly newsletters to more frequent mailings, that doesn’t work. 

You would have needed daily manual updates. Since that process requires significant work hours, it’s easy to see why it’s an efficient approach. 

Now, throw in factors like opt-outs. You would need to check these manually before each campaign. That would be too time-consuming and extremely stressful. Otherwise, this could lead to spam complaints. 

Also, we recommend that you avoid bought lists. Many countries forbid their use because of privacy regulations, and they can damage your sender reputation.      

How often should my data sync? 

How often your data should sync depends on the use case:

  • If it is to build a report, a sync probably doesn’t need to happen more than the cadence of which you report, and a weekly batch sync might be sufficient.
  • When you actively segment your database to do various targeted campaigns, you will likely want rather fresh data. A daily batch might be sufficient in most cases, as long as there could not be communication-sensitive things happening within a 24 hour span. For instance, maybe a customer just submitted a complaint about service, in which case you’ll want to think twice about sending a promotion. If the latest is an issue, real-time might be the better option.
  • For always-on journeys, you will most likely need real-time integration.

Are there cases I could still consider doing manual imports or exports? 

Manual imports and exports are rare, but they still may be needed. Here are some examples:

  • Imports from legacy databases during data migration
  • To reach a specific audience using additional data only available in your DWH and not SFMC 

3.5.2. Manual imports and exports also come with security concerns

Something people still don’t understand is that FTP should be considered legacy — it’s no longer secure. That also applies to SFTP (secure FTP). 

People may share passwords with colleagues or outside the company. Therefore, identifiable users are what security protocols prescribe. Yet this is rarely applied in the context of FTP, leaving companies exposed.

How do I know that integration is secure?

  • Your IT Security department can help. You can also investigate a third-party honest broker. That’s what your IT Security department would do.

3.6. How to integrate data sources into SFMC without code

In summary, to enable marketers to integrate nearly any data source into SFMC without code, you need:

  1. A no-code integration solution
  2. A plug-and-play setup
  3. More flexibility and supported use-cases 
  4. Tech like webhooks that offer a great variety of integration possibilities 
  5. An integration owned by Marketing (as opposed to IT) 
  6. Automated processes (preferably real-time).

With this, you can reduce technical dependency, increase go-to-market speed, and unlock exciting new use cases for campaigns!

That’s exactly why we created DESelect Connect, the no-code integration solution for SFMC.

Before we jump into its benefits and features, let’s review the alternatives.

4. Alternatives to integrate data sources into SFMC

AMPScript and CloudPages together give you possibilities to integrate with SFMC, but:

  • Disadvantages are like API integration
  • AMPScript is a proprietary Salesforce code library that is less known
  • CloudPages can capture leads but, again, marketers are better off using CMS or drag-and-drop landing page builders.

No-code integration solutions require no rare knowledge and allow users to connect to other no-code solutions.

4.3. Native Connector (Marketing Cloud Connect) Integration

Native connectors offer you a simplified standard way to integrate, but:

  • The typical integration points are Sales or Service Cloud, not SFMC
  • Developer dependency will cease but you’ll still require an admin
  • Sync is not real-time

Yet, no-code solutions for integration in SFMC connect with nearly every data point while syncing in real-time.

4.4. FTP Integration

FTP offers easy setup that digests large data volumes, but:

  • It’s not secure, nor considered a best practice
  • Syncing occurs in a batch (usually hourly)
  • Lack of error notifications makes debugging time-consuming

Alternatively, no-code SFMC integration is secure, supports more campaign types, and is monitored easily.

4.5. Middleware (e.g., MuleSoft) Integration

Middleware is robust for large data volumes and offers real-time integration, but:

  • The tech stack sits on enterprise level, not just in marketing
  • They’re typically managed by IT

No-code integration solutions enable marketers!

5. DESelect Connect: The no-code integration solution for SFMC

At DESelect, we increase marketing efficiency while reducing technical dependency. These success stories span industries. From financial services to entertainment, we enable marketers to get the most out of their data.

5.1. Benefits

Based on current customer success, here are the benefits you can expect from DESelect Connect:

  • Unlock exciting new use cases: With new data flows available, you can achieve  levels of targeting and personalization to reach new heights of campaign conversion and retention.
  • Remove technical dependency: In doing so, you enable your marketers to set up their own data flows. 
  • Drive data awareness in your team: Marketers tend to use only available data. When customers think about unused data sources, they suddenly realize how useful they could be.
  • No development cost or time: No development costs and DESelect Connect is plug-and-play, so you can hit the ground running.
  • Security, always: You can rest assured that the integration is well managed and up to date with the latest security standards.

5.2. Features

  • Plug-and-play: With DESelect, simply install the package directly from the Salesforce AppExchange without a complex setup or additional administration.
DESelect Connect is on AppExchange
  • No-code integration: Leverage no-code integration and webhooks to free your team from developer dependency.
DESelect Connect webhooks
  • Monitoring: You no longer have to take care of your own error notification and log mechanisms, or deal with limited capabilities.
DESelect Connect Target data extension
  • Security: Thanks to DESelect Connect’s installed package which is security-reviewed by Salesforce, you don’t have to worry about security. (To learn more about how DESelect handles security and data privacy go here.)
Jonathan and Anthony and ISO certificate for DESelect
  • Support: Thanks to our guides and support portal, you obtain the know-how without additional resources. Not only that, we train you and appoint a customer success manager for added support. 
DESelect Support portal

6. How to start your no-code integration journey for SFMC

6.1. The value you will get

Depending on the scope of your project, this makes up for a total value of $10,000 – $200,000 to get up and running, and a whopping $20,000 to $1,000,000 to keep it running!

However, we will charge you a fraction of this. 

6.2. The price of DESelect Connect

We base our price on:

  • The volume of records to sync
  • The number of SFMC business units 
  • The number of users 
  • The exact data source(s) you want to be integrated (We work with you if any additional config is necessary on our end.) 

Given these parameters, prices can vary. Learn how we support your use cases and build a business case together. Just request a demo.

6.3. Special offer for early birds

For the early birds, we will throw in training and support for free!

For training, you can expect a session with a technical success manager (TSM) to explain to you the ins and outs of DESelect Connect.

For support, along with our support portal, you will get email and video call support as needed. Support will typically be delivered by your dedicated TSM, who has a deep level of technical understanding.

6.4. The DESelect Connect value proposition

To recap, you:

  • Get a no-code integration solution for SFMC.
  • Enable marketing while reducing technical dependency.
  • Unlock all kinds of exciting use cases for campaigns.
  • Can start right away, thanks to our plug-and-play installation. 
  • Can monitor the data flow thanks to our logs.
  • Trust your integration will be secure.
  • Upskill your resources with our training. Free for early birds!
  • Get high-quality technical support. Free for early birds!
  • Can try the water first, by doing a 1-month paid pilot, before rolling into an annual subscription. Free for early birds!

Want to learn more? Reach out and book a demo.

Warning: If you prefer to leave integration to IT or are averse to terms like “data models” or “data flows,” this is not for you. We made this for martech POs, marketing automation managers, and kindred spirits who seek to drive marketing enablement in their organizations, reduce technical dependency, and overall drive efficiency!

7. FAQ: Getting started with no-code integration for SFMC

We know you may still have questions. We try to tackle them here.

What if I don’t have Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Sorry, currently DESelect Connect only supports Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

I heard you also offer DESelect Connect for Salesforce CDP?

That’s right. While not publicly available yet, we do support DESelect Connect for Salesforce CDP.

Send us an email at [email protected] to learn more.

What if I have Salesforce Pardot?

We currently don’t support Pardot. 

However, if you have Pardot and have such needs, we would love to hear from you: [email protected]

Will this work for me?

We created DESelect Connect for the data-savvy marketer using Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Whether you are just starting off with SFMC or can rightfully call yourself a guru, with a basic understanding of your data flows and data model you will find DESelect Connect straightforward to use.

Why do I need this?

A marketing automation platform like Salesforce Marketing Cloud is something that constantly evolves changing requirements and available data sources. This is why it is important that you have agile marketing data enablement tools.

How do I justify the cost?

We can help you build a business case by analyzing and documenting the expected qualitative (use cases) and quantitative (ROI calculator) benefits. 

To get help on building a business case, just schedule a demo.

Are there hidden costs?

No. When you sign up you will know exactly what unit prices and services your subscription consists of.

Why does Salesforce not offer this?

In a way it does, only indirectly. After all, DESelect is an official Salesforce AppExchange partner.

Do you process or store my data?

Yes. To learn more about how DESelect Connect processes and stores your data, go here.

Note that this is different from DESelect Segment, which only processes (a small amount) of data, but does NOT store it. For more information, visit our security page.

How long do your contracts last?

A DESelect subscription typically lasts for one year, with some customers signing up for multiple years. 

When should I start with DESelect?

We recommend using DESelect during your Salesforce Marketing Cloud implementation since it can accelerate your implementation. If you’re already doing campaigns, we recommend you get started as soon as possible.

Are you secure?

Yes. At DESelect, we take security and data protection seriously.

Find out more on our security page.

Are you compliant with data privacy regulations?

Yes, we are compliant with GDPR and CCPA. Contact your DESelect representative if you need more information or have specific questions.

When do you release updates?

We release significant features every 2 months. Smaller patches and bug fixes are released immediately.

Releases are made available to customers automatically “over the air” without scheduled maintenance or downtime.

Read our release notes here.

Do you have a question that is not listed here? Let us know at [email protected].

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